Ares - Raskol Apparel

Ares the God of War doing what he does best, killing his enemies.

ΘΥΜΟΣ = Rage, Wrath
In keeping with the Greek heroic designs (Hercules & Achilles), here we have the God of War, Ares, killing a Giant, Ekhidnades (stabbing him in the head). Yeah, he is kind of badass. Raskol wanted to add on to the very successful Greek Series. Having sold out they wanted to add another design with another iconic character of Greek Mythology. Ares the God of War, here I wanted to retain the one color style and still show a complex pose that is iconic and warrior based. As far as references looking at ancient greek pottery was the main reference to create the main aesthetic. 

Client: Raskol Apparel

If you like the work feel free to check me out on Instagram. Thanks. 
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