He chose the weights! - Raskol Apparel
Following the very successful apparel illustrations done for Raskol, they contacted us again to make a third installment into the Roy Lichtenstein series. This time they wanted a different approach to the line up, so we we opted to create the iconic Roy crying girl, but add some humor and wit to the illustration. We wanted to connect to Raskol's audience while still maintaining this iconic style, we did everything first by hand; as we always do, and pitched the idea to Raskol, they loved it and the illustration was used. Overall another great team effort between us and Raskol. Client: Raskol Apparel
Following the very successful apparel illustrations done for Raskol, they contacted us again to make a third installment into the Roy Lichtenstein series. This time they wanted a different approach to the line up, so we we opted to create the iconic Roy crying girl, but add some humor and wit to the illustration. We wanted to connect to Raskol's audience while still maintaining this iconic style, we did everything first by hand; as we always do, and pitched the idea to Raskol, they loved it and the illustration was used. Overall another great team effort between us and Raskol.
Client: Raskol Apparel
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